Monday, November 9, 2009

Banking on Time

Free time... what does that really mean? Now that I have been "laid off"...I supposedly have "time to be free". I knew this job was ending and I saw it as an opportunity to finish the many art projects I started in the last six months. No one has to give suggestions, I have tons of unfinished business to tend to, letters and resumes to send out and a long line of emails and phone calls. The first week I was off I literally was overwhelmed with prioritizing and figuring out what project to tackle first. And my son, he is definitely benefiting from a less stressed out, at home Mom who is there when he gets home and cooks solid meals everyday. Another bonus I get to practice my cooking skills, another item on my life's to do list.

That said... what's the rub? Well it can't go on like this forever. I have to find insurance, rebuild my savings, look for work and be prepared if it takes well into next year to find it. That's the rub. But for now... at least until the end of 2009, I intend to enjoy my " free time" working on my art, feeding my child and every now and then beginning and finishing a thought.

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